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Video: Rossi’s Ultimate Damper Blades

Tony from Rossi details how their Ultimate Round Damper Blades save assembly time in your duct shop and ensure blade stability in the air current.

Article content provided by Rossi.

See how Rossi’s Ultimate Round Damper Blades solve the problem of blades flopping loose, interrupting the air balance and wasting energy. Tony demonstrates the specific features (such as the built-in channel for a square bar and the ribbing for extra strength) which save assembly time in your duct shop and ensure blade stability within the air current. 

Rossi blades, bushings and regulators are disrupting the air balancing industry by challenging the old-school wingnut-style dampers which RATTLE LOOSE, THROW OFf THE AIR BALANCE, AND WASTE ENERGY. Get your free samples and see how you can save money and energy by switching to Rossi damper hardware in your duct shop.

Visit the Rossi Hardware website.

Want more information? Contact a Rossi Hardware representative.

Rossi has been innovating HVAC duct hardware for 30 years. Our mission today is to eliminate wingnut dampers and jiffy blades which rattle loose and throw off your air balance.