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Sink Your Teeth into 6x Faster Billing with Siteline

Billing delays are a subcontractor’s worst nightmare. Put those ghastly hiccups in the past with Siteline, the only pay app management software built for subcontractors. 

Article content provided by Siteline.

Missing waivers, incorrect paperwork, expired compliance documents—these are the things that keep commercial trade contractors up at night. The process becomes even murkier when managing these across multiple projects for multiple GCs. Siteline helps you cut through the fog surrounding your billing workflows by giving trade partners a centralized hub for tracking, managing, and automating your A/R. 

With Siteline, customers can:

  • Generate and submit pay applications precisely to the GC’s specifications, speeding up payments by an average of three weeks;
  • Flag any missing or expired compliance documents before the pay app goes out to reduce billing delays;
  • Track the status of lump sum, time and materials, and unit price change orders to keep your SOVs up to date;
  • Digitally manage lien waiver collection for both the GC and lower-tier vendors, saving time and streamlining payments; and
  • See average invoice aging, your current billing status, and GC payment patterns with real-time data dashboards.

In addition to unlocking scary-fast billing workflows, Siteline now offers a cash forecasting tool. With this tool, customers can see their total expected cash flow for each project on a weekly basis, making it easier to assess liquidity within a specific period, identify trends to maximize profitability, and determine the optimal time to bid on new projects.

See Siteline in action by booking a quick demo at

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Contact a Siteline representative at (415) 831-7972.

Siteline is the only billing software built for trade contractors. We digitize the pay application process and automate lien waivers, which means accounting teams can bill for projects in half the time, eliminate errors that delay payment, and streamline processes while reducing risk. We integrate with ERPs and provide visual A/R reporting.