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Technician AI Work Summaries and More!

XOi combines the power of AI with the expertise of each technician in the field. With the information entered into a workflow, techs can quickly generate a consistent and easily digestible work summary for your customers. 

Article content provided by XOi.

XOi has 3 new game-changing, time-saving product enhancements rolling out: Parts Ordering, AI Work Summary, and Multiple Contributors Per Job. Take a look at the latest product features from XOi!

AI Generated Work Summaries
Are your techs wasting valuable time writing up work summaries when a job is completed? With the information entered in a workflow, techs can quickly generate a consistent and easily digestible work summary for your customers, with the help of AI.

Multiple Contributors per Job
It’s pretty common to have more than one tech doing work on a job, but how do you organize the work they are doing? Multiple Contributors per Job allows for a technician to invite other users via QR code or deep link to contribute workflows, allowing for all work to be in a single share link for your customer.

Bluon Parts Ordering
Parts ordering has never been easier! With our newly released integration with Bluon, technicians can easily and quickly identify, order, and purchase parts they need from local suppliers – directly from a workflow in the XOi app.

Read the press release to learn more!

Visit the XOi website.

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The only digital tool your techs will ever need on a job site, XOi connects people, from all parts of a field service ecosystem, with the equipment they service. We go beyond the capabilities of standard field service app technology to deliver you a communication tool that will completely transform your business. Technicians that use XOi in the field collect critical job site data, connect instantly with the answers they need, and provide the back office with data to capitalize on revenue-generating opportunities.